Botswana Blue Card

The Botswana Blue Card will allow persons who have renounced Botswana citizenship to retain the right to unlimited stay in Botswana. Botswana Blue Card holders will have the right to visit, live and work in Botswana. However, they will not be entitled to Omang and Botswana Passport.
The general requirements for application are that interested applicants should:
- Complete the application form for the Botswana Blue Card at any Immigration office or Botswana embassy
- Attach certified copy of a valid Passport
- Attach certified copy of Renunciation Certificate (Botswana Citizenship)
- Enclose 2 coloured passport-size photographs
- Attach certified copy of acquired citizenship
- Pay a non-refundable fee of $300 on submission of the application
Please note that only persons who were citizens of Botswana by birth or descent prior to renunciation of Botswana citizenship qualify to apply for the Botswana Blue Card. A foreign spouse of the Botswana Blue Card holder will not qualify for the Botswana Blue Card unless they were also citizens of Botswana by birth or descent. Children born after the Botswana Blue Card holder has renounced Botswana citizenship do not qualify for the Botswana Blue Card.